Our goal on Patreon is to reach 2500 patrons—at which point we can afford to have regular transcripts available for all main feed episodes. For now, transcripts are available for select episodes, and we are slowly working on catching up on the back catalogue and reducing the amount of time it takes for us to finish a transcript and post it.
At the moment our capacity to offer transcripts of Death Panel is limited. This is due to Beatrice’s disability, and the conflicting access needs that exist with regard to editing/correcting transcripts and her low vision/blindness. The labor of producing transcripts is usually poorly compensated and historically is often done by disabled people due to the flexibility and availability of working on transcription from home. We are committed to making the show accessible and paying our transcript makers a fair wage.
If you would like to help us reach our goal, then please become a patron and support our work to make the show more accessible.

Covid Year Five (12/23/24)
We present our 2024 year in review, taking a look back at the last year in the ongoing social and political consequences of normalizing the covid pandemic and rushing to bring the federal covid response to a close.

Extended Teaser - Covid Year Five (12/23/24)
We present our 2024 year in review, taking a look back at the last year in the ongoing social and political consequences of normalizing the covid pandemic and rushing to bring the federal covid response to a close.

The Promise and Perils of Wastewater Data w/ Betsy Ladyzhets (08/29/24)
Death Panel podcast host Beatrice Adler-Bolton, speaks with Betsy Ladyzhets of The Sick Times about what wastewater surveillance does—and doesn’t—tell us about the level of covid spread and how the rise of covid wastewater monitoring fits inside the larger picture of the privatization of both covid risk and covid data.

Mask Bans Are Everyone’s Fight (08/22/24)
Death Panel podcast hosts Beatrice Adler-Bolton, Artie Vierkant, and Jules Gill-Peterson discuss the mask ban passed in Nassau County last week, the latest in a dramatic rise in legislation criminalizing face masks and targeting the Palestine solidarity movement. We look at what happened in the overtly hostile public hearing over the ban, the history of the New York statute that ban proponents want back, and how the threat of mask bans goes far beyond public health: mask bans embolden racist policing; they’re anti-trans; and they target the whole of the left.

Disabled Ecologies w/ Sunaura Taylor (07/08/24)
Death Panel podcast host Beatrice Adler-Bolton speaks with Sunaura Taylor about how industrial pollution and systemic abandonment produce networks of disability among people, animals, and what she calls “injured landscapes;” how one community in Arizona organized against longstanding environmental pollution from arms manufacturing; and her new book, Disabled Ecologies: Lessons from a Wounded Desert.

A Death Panel History of 504 (Parts I & II)
Death Panel podcast hosts Beatrice Adler-Bolton, Artie Vierkant and Phil Rocco tell (one version of) the story of Section 504, a landmark piece of civil rights legislation for disabled people in the US. In Part One, we look at the politics leading up to the 504 sit-in and how the implementation of Section 504 very nearly didn't happen because of concerns that it would be "too expensive." In Part Two, our story continues with a look at the sit-in action itself—the longest occupation of a federal government building in US history—and the key role played by the Oakland Black Panthers and other groups in assuring the occupation's success.

The Rise of Mask Bans (06/20/24)
Death Panel podcast hosts Beatrice Adler-Bolton, Artie Vierkant and Phil Rocco discuss New York Democrats’ plan to ban masks on the subway and beyond, and take a close look at the latest updates on North Carolina’s anti-mask bill HB237, “Unmasking Mobs and Criminals,” which state lawmakers managed to make significantly worse since we last talked about it on the show at the end of May.

“No Use to the State” w/ Micah Khater (04/22/24)
Death Panel podcast hosts Beatrice Adler-Bolton speaks with Micah Khater about the intersection of race, disability, and incarceration in the southern US in the early 20th century, and her work documenting the history of how Black women experienced and theorized disability from within Alabama prisons.

On The Atlantic’s “The UN’s Gaza Statistics Make No Sense” (06/05/24)
Death Panel podcast hosts Beatrice Adler-Bolton, Abby Cartus and Phil Rocco discuss a recent article by The Atlantic staff writer Graeme Wood that went viral for its assertion that, in the context of the genocide in Palestine, “it is possible to kill children legally.” We take a close look at the piece and how the rest of the surrounding argument uses a veneer of data “objectivity” to mask its underlying idea: that Palestinian death statistics cannot be trusted simply because they are collected by Palestinians themselves.

On NPR’s “Wrestling with my husband's fear of getting COVID again” (03/18/24)
Death Panel podcast hosts Beatrice Adler-Bolton, Artie Vierkant and Jules Gill-Peterson discuss a recent piece in NPR, “Wrestling with my husband's fear of getting COVID again,” which presents avoiding covid both as the product of unreasonable “anxiety” and as something immunocompromised people should let go of lest their loved ones consider abandoning them.

“Unmasking Mobs and Criminals” (05/23/24)
Death Panel podcast hosts Beatrice Adler-Bolton, Artie Vierkant and Jules Gill-Peterson discuss the recent push by state and local governments to criminalize masking in public space, in some cases introducing new legislation to make existing anti-mask laws more severe, and take a close look at HB237, “Unmasking Mobs and Criminals,” a bill currently being debated in North Carolina that perfectly illustrates the links between covid activism, abolition, and the fight for Palestinian liberation.

Water for Gaza (05/20/24)
Death Panel podcast hosts Beatrice Adler-Bolton and Abby Cartus discuss how the ongoing water crisis in Palestine is a tool of genocide, how to understand the centrality of water and sanitation systems to all of the infrastructure needed to support life, and what Death Panel listeners and contacts in Gaza tell us we can do to help.

Massification, Debility, and 40 Years of Crisis in Bhopal w/ Jiya Pandya (05/16/24)
Death Panel podcast hosts Beatrice Adler-Bolton and Jules Gill-Peterson speak with historian Jiya Pandya about how the Bhopal gas leak—often described as the worst industrial disaster in living memory—continues to be an unchecked crisis 40 years later, what it teaches us about how to respond to more recent crises, and how organizers here in the US can get in touch with Bhopal survivor activists who will be coming to the US later this fall.

Refusing to Forget w/ Vicky Osterweil (03/21/24)
Death Panel podcast host Beatrice Adler-Bolton speaks with Vicky Osterweil about the events we’re encouraged to forget, repress, and reinterpret in order to abet genocide, carcerality, or abandonment to a pandemic, and the power of refusing to forget.

Carewashing and the Right to Public Space w/ Tracy Rosenthal (05/09/24)
Death Panel podcast host Beatrice Adler-Bolton speaks with Tracy Rosenthal about the pending Supreme Court ruling that could dramatically strip the rights of unhoused people in the US, how politicians frequently invoke a rhetoric of “care” to promote expansions of the carceral system, and how the laws at the center of this Supreme Court case are the same being used to police and sweep solidarity encampments across the US.

What the Solidarity Encampments Demand w/ Nicki Kattoura and Charlie Markbreiter (05/01/24)
Death Panel podcast host Beatrice Adler-Bolton speaks with Nicki Kattoura and Charlie Markbreiter about the proliferation of Palestine solidarity encampments, their experiences at the encampments at CUNY and at Columbia, and to share a call to action for today, May Day: strike in solidarity with the people of Palestine.

A Killing Peace w/ Rasha Abdulhadi (Part Two) (04/25/24)
Death Panel podcast host Beatrice Adler-Bolton speaks with Rasha Abdulhadi about the last six months in the escalation of genocidal violence against the people of Palestine, what has and hasn’t changed since the last time Rasha spoke with us on October 13th, and why appeals to “peace” are not the same as calls for liberation.

A Killing Peace w/ Rasha Abdulhadi (Part One) (04/18/24)
Death Panel podcast host Beatrice Adler-Bolton speaks with Rasha Abdulhadi about the last six months in the escalation of genocidal violence against the people of Palestine, what has and hasn’t changed since the last time Rasha spoke with us on October 13th, and why appeals to “peace” are not the same as calls for liberation.

"The Wheelchair-to-Warfare Pipeline" w/ Liz Jackson and Rua Williams (04/11/24)
Death Panel podcast host Beatrice Adler-Bolton speaks with Liz Jackson and Rua Williams about the history and ongoing practice of design objects ostensibly created for accessibility being repurposed into tools of war.

Policy-Based Evidence Making w/ Jane Thomason (03/14/24)
Death Panel podcast host Beatrice Adler-Bolton speaks with Jane Thomason of National Nurses United (NNU) about the CDC’s recent abrupt decision to drop its 5-day covid isolation guidance and the latest developments in the campaign to stop the CDC from dramatically weakening infection control practices in healthcare settings.