Our goal on Patreon is to reach 2500 patrons—at which point we can afford to have regular transcripts available for all main feed episodes. For now, transcripts are available for select episodes, and we are slowly working on catching up on the back catalogue and reducing the amount of time it takes for us to finish a transcript and post it.
At the moment our capacity to offer transcripts of Death Panel is limited. This is due to Beatrice’s disability, and the conflicting access needs that exist with regard to editing/correcting transcripts and her low vision/blindness. The labor of producing transcripts is usually poorly compensated and historically is often done by disabled people due to the flexibility and availability of working on transcription from home. We are committed to making the show accessible and paying our transcript makers a fair wage.
If you would like to help us reach our goal, then please become a patron and support our work to make the show more accessible.

Covid Year Two (12/13/2021)
Death Panel co-hosts, Beatrice Adler-Bolton, Artie Vierkant, and Phil Rocco, review the year 2021 in the U.S. covid response, and the profound miscalculations on the part of the government and the media that have played a direct role in keeping this crisis ongoing. While this episode is retrospective, we have covered the pandemic quite closely day in day out since March 2020. If you’d like to listen to some of shows we released reacting in real time to some of the events described in Covid Year Two; start with our episodes “Meaning Production at 500,000 Dead” from February, “A Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” from July, “Operation Enduring Virus” from September, or “Bracing for the Wave” from December. Suffice it to say it has been a terrible year.
This episode was originally a patron exclusive posted December 13th. If you enjoy this episode and want to help us work towards our goal of being able to offer transcripts for more of our episodes, consider supporting the show at!