
Our goal on Patreon is to reach 2500 patrons—at which point we can afford to have regular transcripts available for all main feed episodes. For now, transcripts are available for select episodes, and we are slowly working on catching up on the back catalogue and reducing the amount of time it takes for us to finish a transcript and post it.

At the moment our capacity to offer transcripts of Death Panel is limited. This is due to Beatrice’s disability, and the conflicting access needs that exist with regard to editing/correcting transcripts and her low vision/blindness. The labor of producing transcripts is usually poorly compensated and historically is often done by disabled people due to the flexibility and availability of working on transcription from home. We are committed to making the show accessible and paying our transcript makers a fair wage.

If you would like to help us reach our goal, then please become a patron and support our work to make the show more accessible.

Covid Year Five (12/23/24)
Beatrice Bolton Beatrice Bolton

Covid Year Five (12/23/24)

We present our 2024 year in review, taking a look back at the last year in the ongoing social and political consequences of normalizing the covid pandemic and rushing to bring the federal covid response to a close.

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Extended Teaser - Covid Year Five (12/23/24)
Beatrice Bolton Beatrice Bolton

Extended Teaser - Covid Year Five (12/23/24)

We present our 2024 year in review, taking a look back at the last year in the ongoing social and political consequences of normalizing the covid pandemic and rushing to bring the federal covid response to a close.

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On The Atlantic’s “The UN’s Gaza Statistics Make No Sense” (06/05/24)
Beatrice Bolton Beatrice Bolton

On The Atlantic’s “The UN’s Gaza Statistics Make No Sense” (06/05/24)

Death Panel podcast hosts Beatrice Adler-Bolton, Abby Cartus and Phil Rocco discuss a recent article by The Atlantic staff writer Graeme Wood that went viral for its assertion that, in the context of the genocide in Palestine, “it is possible to kill children legally.” We take a close look at the piece and how the rest of the surrounding argument uses a veneer of data “objectivity” to mask its underlying idea: that Palestinian death statistics cannot be trusted simply because they are collected by Palestinians themselves.

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